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FightMesothelioma.org was founded in 2015 on hope. Our team of Patient Advocates helps patients find top doctors, cutting-edge clinical trials and financial help — all in an effort to improve their prognosis.

What We Do

A mesothelioma prognosis can be improved by certain factors. We’re here to provide patients and their loved ones with free information and resources to improve their outlook and fight this rare cancer.

Who We Help

We help mesothelioma patients find the resources they need to outlive their prognosis. We provide patients and their loved ones with information to better understand this cancer and how to live with and overcome challenges.

Why We Do It

No one should have to fight mesothelioma alone. Through our team of Patient Advocates and the free resources we offer, we’re here to guide you along a path to improving your mesothelioma prognosis.

Our Services

Our team of Patient Advocates is here to help mesothelioma patients and their family members find the resources they need in their cancer battle.

Doctor Match

Not all doctors are the same. We can help you connect with a top mesothelioma specialist that will improve your chance of long-term survival. Finding a doctor who understands the intricacies of this rare cancer is one of the most important things mesothelioma patients can do. We’ll help you find the right expert with the experience to treat your cancer effectively.


Beating the odds starts with surrounding yourself with a strong support system. Our Patient Advocates are here to guide patients and their families through this difficult journey. And our free Mesothelioma Guide is packed with information you need to fight this disease.

Financial Assistance

Cancer treatment is expensive — especially for a rare, hard-to-treat cancer such as mesothelioma. Our Patient Advocates can help you or your loved one find treatment grants and explore other financial assistance options such as mesothelioma trust funds, lawsuits and VA benefits claims.