Fact Checked
The fact-checking process on FightMesothelioma.org involves cross-checking the content we publish with reputable medical and scientific sources, medical experts, news agencies and other organizations that focus on health and medical information. If any information is incorrect or unclear, please contact our webmaster.

Updated: November 10, 2021

This page spells out the disclaimers for FightMesothelioma.org and the terms and conditions for any user of the website. This includes the purpose of the website, restrictions on use, limited liabilities and issues with disputes and specific state-by-state disclosure information. You can find information about the security of your personal information on our Privacy page.

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By using this website, you signify your assent to the Disclaimer as well as Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”). FightMesothelioma.org is an informational resource that aims to educate the public and those affected by mesothelioma about the disease and its treatment. The website itself is owned by FightMesothelioma.org, LLC, which is a for-profit organization. Your agreement to be bound by the Terms and Conditions is an agreement with FightMesothelioma.org and FightMesothelioma.org, LLC. FightMesothelioma.org is sponsored by The Peterson Firm, LLP, a law firm that concentrates in asbestos litigation. FightMesothelioma.org is not responsible for any third-party content accessible through this website. We do not endorse any of the companies or opinions listed in or linked to or from the website. We also do not accept or host any advertising.

No Professional Legal or Medical Advice

The content of this website is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on FightMesothelioma.org.

FightMesothelioma.org does not provide legal or professional medical advice; is not a lawyer or doctor referral service; and its users should not construe that any attorney-client privilege or relationship or any doctor-patient relationship is formed by the use of this website. If you, at your request, are directed to a law firm or medical professional, the individuals to whom you are directed are responsible for medical or legal services. Such individuals and/or law firms are not recommended or endorsed by FightMesothelioma.org or any approved or authorized lawyer referral service or medical professional referral service.

FightMesothelioma.org neither recommends nor endorses any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Reliance on any information provided by FightMesothelioma.org, its employees, others appearing on this website at the invitation of FightMesothelioma.org or other visitors to the website is at your own risk.

Support Services

By filling out a form on this website or opting into SMS text messaging, you are requesting to be contacted by a FightMesothelioma.org Patient and Family Advocate.

When you opt into receiving SMS text messages from us, you provide consent to receive text messages from our Patient Advocates and an automatic system. We will not share or use your mobile number for any other purpose. No protected health information will be transmitted or shared. Messaging and data rates from your mobile carrier may apply, however, FightMesothelioma.org does not charge any fees to receive messages or for any of our services.

Patient and Family Advocates assist visitors with a variety of issues affecting those suffering from asbestos-related diseases, including:

  1. providing free informational literature;
  2. identifying leading doctors, treatment facilities and clinical trial studies;
  3. facilitating Social Security or veterans benefits for asbestos-related diseases; and
  4. suggesting law firms to discuss your legal rights as they relate to asbestos exposure and related illnesses.

Patient Advocates are not legal or medical professionals and, accordingly, any advice provided should not be deemed legal or medical advice. Information submitted to FightMesothelioma.org will not be shared, sold or provided to any third party unless you expressly authorize a Patient and Family Advocate to do so on your behalf.

The information on FightMesothelioma.org is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and his/her health care provider. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical advice. Instead, the website should be considered as a resource for providing general information that may be useful to the general public. All visitors are encouraged to consult with a physician or other licensed medical professional for any form of medical advice.

The information contained in the website should not be construed as legal advice, an offer to perform legal services or an offer to create an attorney-client relationship. The content of this website contains general information and may not reflect current legal developments or issues pertaining to a visitor’s specific circumstances. Recipients of content from this website should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the website without seeking appropriate legal advice from an attorney licensed in the recipient’s state. Legal services cannot be achieved through any contact with FightMesothelioma.org. In order to retain legal services, you must directly contract with an attorney licensed to practice law in your state.

The Peterson Firm

FightMesothelioma.org is sponsored by The Peterson Firm, LLP, which is licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C. The main office of The Peterson Firm, LLP, is located at 1050 30th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007. FightMesothelioma.org is partly owned by Carl H. Peterson, the principal of The Peterson Firm. Mr. Peterson has neither day-to-day involvement with the activities of FightMesothelioma.org nor any direct communication with its visitors. The Peterson Firm, LLP, concentrates on asbestos litigation. If you indicate to your Patient Advocate that you desire to speak with an attorney about your legal rights, he or she may suggest a law firm that would work with The Peterson Firm, LLP, on your case. If you decide to retain that law firm, the Peterson Firm, LLP, will serve as co-counsel on your case at no cost to you. Your Patient Advocate can explain the process in more detail.

Transmissions to FightMesothelioma.org, in part or in whole, and communication with FightMesothelioma.org via the Internet or email through this website do not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between a law firm and any recipients. Contact through FightMesothelioma.org is not an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship.


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FightMesothelioma.org, which for the purposes of limitations of liability includes FightMesothelioma.org, LLC, its affiliates, listees and any officer, director, employee, subcontractor, agent, successor or assignee of FightMesothelioma.org or FightMesothelioma.org, LLC, its affiliates and its listees, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages of any kind pertaining to your use of this website, including your engagement of an attorney, advocate, or medical professional located through FightMesothelioma.org, regardless of any negligence of FightMesothelioma.org. That includes, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and lost profits or savings in any way because of, resulting from or arising in connection with FightMesothelioma.org.

FightMesothelioma.org is not and shall not be liable for any claim, loss, cost or liability that arises out of, or relates to a user’s use of (1) FightMesothelioma.org, (2) any attorney that provides or fails to provide legal services to the user, (3) any advocate that provides or fails to provide services to the user, (4) the provision by an attorney of false or misleading information to FightMesothelioma.org, (5) the provision by an advocate of false or misleading information to FightMesothelioma.org (6) the failure of an attorney to meet its responsibilities under the rules and regulations of the state(s) in which the attorney is licensed to practice law, (7) any medical professional that provides or fails to provide services to the user, (8) the provision by medical professional of false or misleading information to FightMesothelioma.org, or (9) the failure of a medical professional to meet its responsibilities under the rules and regulations of the state(s) in which the medical professional is licensed to practice medicine. FightMesothelioma.org fully disclaims any and all liability directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the information contained in, use of or services available through FightMesothelioma.org or for the results or consequences of any representation or treatment of a user of FightMesothelioma.org by an attorney, advocate, or medical professional with whom FightMesothelioma.org put the user in touch.

Any information provided through this website or through links to other websites are provided for educational and general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or medical advice nor substituted for legal or medical advice provided by a competent attorney or medical professional.

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Phone: (855) 775-6781

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Except as expressly provided in a particular “legal notice” on the FightMesothelioma.org website, these Terms and Conditions and the privacy policy constitute the entire agreement between you, FightMesothelioma.org and FightMesothelioma.org, LLC, with respect to the use of the FightMesothelioma.org website and content.

Contact Us

**If you have any questions regarding any information found on this website we invite you to either fill out our contact form or contact us at [email protected].

Special State Disclaimers Regarding Specialty Areas of Practice1


Please review the Legal Disclosures that may pertain to your particular state of residence below.

Some states require additional disclaimers concerning specialty areas of practice. Those are as follows:

Alabama: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2(e).

Colorado: Colorado does not certify attorneys as experienced in any field. Colo. RPC 7.4(e).

Delaware: A lawyer shall not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field of law. Delaware Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (d).

Florida: The hiring of any lawyer should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you select a law firm or lawyer, please ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. You will not be charged any costs or fees for this information. You will not be charged any fees or costs if there is no recovery in your asbestos-related legal claim.

Illinois: The Supreme Court of Illinois does not recognize certifications of specialties in the practice of law, nor does it recognize certifications of expertise in any phase of the practice of law by any agency, governmental or private, or by any group, organization or association. Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(c).

Iowa: ADVERTISEMENT ONLY. Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 32:7.3(d). The determination of whether you need legal services and the choice of a lawyer are important decisions that should not be based on advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. Please do your research about any law firm or lawyer you intend to represent you. This disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Memberships and offices in legal fraternities and legal societies, technical and professional licenses, and memberships in scientific, technical and professional associations and societies of law or field of practice do not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert in a field of law, nor do they mean that such a lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than any other lawyer. All potential clients are urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any lawyer being considered. This notice is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

Kentucky: THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. Kentucky Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.09 (3).

Massachusetts: If a Massachusetts lawyer holds himself or herself out as “certified” in a particular service, field or area of law by a non-governmental body, the certifying organization is a private organization, whose standards for certification are not regulated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct 7.4(b).

Minnesota: A lawyer may not state or imply that the lawyer is a specialist or certified as a specialist in a particular field of law. Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(d).

Mississippi: The Mississippi Supreme Court advises that a decision on legal services is important and should not be based solely on advertisements. FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST to a Mississippi attorney. The listing of any area of practice by a Mississippi attorney does not indicate any certification of experience therein. See Mississippi Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2(d), Rule 7.4(a), and Rule 7.6(a).

Missouri: Neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations. Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4.

Nevada: The State Bar of Nevada does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert.

New Jersey: Any certification as an experienced, or any certification in a field of practice, that does not state that such certification has been granted by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or by an organization that has been approved by the American Bar Association, indicates that the certifying organization has not been approved, or has been denied approval, by the Supreme Court of New Jersey and the American Bar Association. See New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(b).

New Mexico: Any certification by an organization other than the New Mexico Board of Legal Specialization does not constitute recognition by the New Mexico Board of Legal Specialization, unless the lawyer is also recognized by the board as an experienced in that area of law. See New Mexico Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 16-704(D).

New York: LAWYER ADVERTISEMENT. Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including your case, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained.”

North Carolina: The case outcomes contained within this website depend upon a variety of legal, factual, and circumstantial factors unique to each case. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome regardless of any similarities to any other legal matter. The cases mentioned on this website are illustrative only of the types of cases the firm handles and not all cases or outcomes are provided. The firm may associate with counsel external to the firm to assist with some cases.

Ohio: ADVERTISEMENT ONLY. Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(c).

Oregon: THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.3(c).

Rhode Island: The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law. The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an experienced in any field of practice. Rhode Island Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (d).

Tennessee: None of the attorneys in this firm are certified as a Civil Trial, Criminal Trial, Business Bankruptcy, Consumer Bankruptcy, Creditor’s Rights, Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice, Accounting Malpractice, Estate Planning or Elder Law specialist by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization. Certification as a specialist in all other listed areas is not currently available in Tennessee.

Texas: Unless otherwise stated, our attorneys claiming certification in an area of law are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Vermont: A lawyer may communicate the fact that the lawyer has been certified as a specialist in a field of law by a named organization, provided that the communication clearly states that there is no procedure in Vermont for approving certifying organizations. If, however, the named organization has been accredited by the American Bar Association to certify lawyers as specialists in a particular field of law, the communication need not contain such a statement. Vermont Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (c).

Virginia: A lawyer may communicate the fact that the lawyer has been certified as a specialist in a field of law by a named organization, provided that the communication clearly states that there is no procedure in the Commonwealth of Virginia for approving certifying organizations. Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (d).

Washington: The Supreme Court of Washington does not recognize certification of specialties in the practice of law and that the certificate, award, or recognition is not a requirement to practice law in the state of Washington. Washington Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.04 (d)(3).

Wyoming: The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer’s credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. The disclaimer must appear within the advertisement itself, or in the instance of a telephone or other directory, upon the same or the facing page as the advertisement appears. The disclaimer shall be in a type size at least as large as the smallest type size appearing in the advertisement. Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2 (g).

1While this website was not created for the purpose of being a legal advertisement it may be deemed as such by your state. To the extent that any users inquire about assistance with a particular legal issue, as a precaution, these disclosures are included for the consumer’s consideration when considering any possible attorney choices they make.