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Importance of Finding a Mesothelioma Cancer Center

Selecting the right cancer treatment center for a mesothelioma patient is not an easy task, but it might be the most important decision a family can make for a loved one.

Do it carefully, and do it with urgency. The difference between cancer centers — when it comes to the treatment of malignant mesothelioma — can be startling.

There are hundreds of good cancer centers spread across the U.S., but only a small percentage of them really excel in the treatment of mesothelioma, the rare and aggressive cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

Making the right choice could mean the difference between a prognosis of 6-12 months and one that leads to years as a cancer survivor by keeping the disease in check.

Find a mesothelioma specialist and specialty center who knows the latest, cutting-edge treatment advances. Don’t accept the typical gloom-and-doom approach that was so prevalent just a few years ago — even at well-known cancer centers.

Clinical trials at mesothelioma specialty centers are testing better drugs and a more targeted, personalized approach to treatment today. Although there still is no definitive cure for mesothelioma, survivors are living three, four or five years and beyond after a diagnosis. Some are hitting the 10-year mark.

Couple listening to a mesothelioma doctor
Looking for the Best Mesothelioma Treatment?
We'll help you find the top mesothelioma doctors and cancer hospitals near you.

Top Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

What Makes a Mesothelioma Treatment Center Great

A great mesothelioma treatment center begins with a great specialist, but it requires a great team that understands the intricacies of the disease. It requires the latest technology, an aggressive approach and a desire to tackle a hard-to-treat cancer.

It demands vast experience, which is difficult to find because the disease is so rare. Only an estimated 3,000 Americans annually are diagnosed with mesothelioma, compared with 200,000 who are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. Most medical professionals rarely see mesothelioma and never treat it.

Cross Department Collaboration

Even the most experienced mesothelioma specialist needs second opinions, making collaboration within a treatment center imperative to get the best possible care.

For example, the mesothelioma team at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa has a weekly thoracic tumor board meeting, where each case is reviewed jointly by the surgeon, radiation oncologist, medical oncologist and nurse specialist. They sit together and provide their own specific expertise on a case.

It’s a multidisciplinary approach that has worked well with mesothelioma patients, providing multiple views of a challenging disease.

Dr. Abraham Lebenthal, pleural mesothelioma expert
Mesothelioma is so complex, and its care so specialized, that a patient really needs the best care in the world," said thoracic surgeon Abraham Lebenthal, M.D., at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "We're in a unique position to offer that.
Abraham Lebenthal, M.D.

How to Choose a Mesothelioma Treatment Center

There are many things to consider when picking a treatment center, depending upon your particular circumstance.

To help pay for treatment and related expenses, patients should research mesothelioma compensation options such as government programs, charity resources and potentially filing a legal claim.

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    Is a specialty center nearby?
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    Travel Ability
    Are you willing to travel for treatment?
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    Financial Status
    Cost could run high. Can you afford it?
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    Review what your plan covers
  • Surgery icon
    Which centers will perform curative surgery?
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    VA Healthcare
    Specialists trained to help veterans
  • Chemistry icon
    Clinical Trials
    Emerging treatments might be best chance for survival
  • Book icon
    A specialist with experience is key