Fact Checked
The fact-checking process on FightMesothelioma.org involves cross-checking the content we publish with reputable medical and scientific sources, medical experts, news agencies and other organizations that focus on health and medical information. If any information is incorrect or unclear, please contact our webmaster.


Is mesothelioma curable, and what is the survival rate?

There is no cure for mesothelioma. Although the long-term survival rate is low, advancements in treatment are increasing it by several years. People are living decades after their initial diagnosis because of progress in diagnosing and treating asbestos-related diseases, as well as growing awareness about the dangers of asbestos.

How long does it take for me to get sick after exposure to asbestos?

The latency period of asbestos-related diseases can be very long — sometimes as long as 60 years from first exposure. We often talk to U.S. Navy veterans exposed to asbestos during World War II who are now being diagnosed with a disease related to that exposure. Several factors may affect the onset of these diseases, including your general health, age, amount of asbestos exposure and your general propensity for disease development.

How do doctors typically treat asbestos-related diseases?

Traditional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation may work. Nontraditional treatments such as changes in diet, meditation and yoga may also supplement traditional therapies. The best treatments typically involve a combination of traditional and nontraditional therapies. The best way to determine what is right for you is to talk to your doctor or specialist.


Do I need to pay for the packet offered on FightMesothelioma.org?

No. As stated on the website, the packet is free to FightMesothelioma.org users in the United States and Canada. We usually ship it overnight using FedEx. Because we prioritize shipment of the packet to those suffering from mesothelioma, there may be some circumstances in which you do not receive the entire packet or receive it in the usual delivery time.

Am I entitled to receive FightMesothelioma.org help if I reside outside of the United States or Canada?

Because much of the information provided in the packet is in digital form, we may email you many of the packet materials. You may also utilize the support group. The other services are primarily directed at visitors in the U.S. and Canada. If you are located outside of these areas, we will still provide our services.

What is a Patient Advocate?

A Patient Advocate is an employee of FightMesothelioma.org who helps a patient or family with issues that commonly arise following the diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease. Our team of Patient Advocates includes a doctor, nurse, attorney, U.S. Armed Forces veteran, Spanish-language speaker and many others. Collectively, we have assisted thousands of mesothelioma sufferers, so there are very few issues pertaining to an asbestos-related disease that we cannot help with.

Do Patient Advocates provide medical or legal advice?

No. We are not a medical facility, and we are not a law firm. Therefore, you should speak with a doctor for medical advice or an attorney for legal advice. Furthermore, any information you share with a Patient Advocate will not covered by the attorney-client privilege or the doctor-patient privilege.

Why do I need to speak to a Patient Advocate when I fill out a form on FightMesothelioma.org?

There are several reasons a Patient Advocate will need to speak with you depending on the type of form you filled out or the services you requested. A Patient Advocate may need to speak with you to determine the best means to assist you, the proper materials to include in your packet or verification of your mailing address.

If I decide to initiate a lawsuit resulting from my asbestos-related illness, how do the law firms get paid?

Almost all legal claims arising from asbestos-related illnesses are handled on a contingency fee basis, meaning the law firms take a percentage of the money recovered from the claims. You do not pay anything out of pocket and do not pay a fee unless there is a recovery.


Can FightMesothelioma.org answer questions about asbestos products, or does it solely help with asbestos-related diseases?

Although we can, on occasion, answer questions about asbestos products or a person’s likelihood of exposure to asbestos in a particular situation, our primary expertise is on asbestos-related diseases, and we focus our energies on that.

Is asbestos banned?

Asbestos is banned in some countries, but not in the United States. In fact, it is still used in a wide range of products in the U.S.


Am I obligated to use the services of FightMesothelioma.org?

No. There is absolutely no obligation on your part to take advantage of our services. You do not need to pay us any money, and you do not need to retain an attorney recommended by FightMesothelioma.org to receive the services we offer. Our services are 100 percent free, and you can use as many or as few of our services as you like.

Will FightMesothelioma.org provide my name or contact information to a third party?

No. We do not provide your name or information to doctors, lawyers or any third party without your consent and without you requesting that we do so.

The Company

What is the purpose of FightMesothelioma.org?

We exist as an informational website that educates the public about the dangers of asbestos and asbestos-related diseases.

Is FightMesothelioma.org a nonprofit entity?

No. FightMesothelioma.org is a for-profit company because of the way we are funded. However, FightMesothelioma.org users are not charged for receiving our literature or items, or for using any of our other free services.

Where is FightMesothelioma.org located, and do I need to be in your area to receive your assistance?

We help people throughout the United States and Canada. Indeed, on some occasions, we may help people outside of those areas. Most of the assistance we provide can be handled over the phone or by email, so our visitors do not need to be in our area to receive assistance.

How is FightMesothelioma.org funded?

We are a sponsored website. Our sponsor is The Peterson Firm, a law firm based in Washington, D.C.

What is The Peterson Firm, and what is its involvement with FightMesothelioma.org?

The Peterson Firm is a law firm based in Washington, D.C., that primarily handles asbestos claims. It also sponsors FightMesothelioma.org.

Is there common ownership between The Peterson Firm and FightMesothelioma.org?

Yes. Carl Peterson is an attorney and principal owner of The Peterson Firm. He also has an ownership interest in FightMesothelioma.org.

Does FightMesothelioma.org get paid for recommending a particular lawyer or doctor?

No. FightMesothelioma.org receives a flat sponsorship fee from The Peterson Firm, regardless of whether a visitor receives legal assistance. Indeed, FightMesothelioma.org even provides free assistance to those visitors who already have legal representation. Additionally, FightMesothelioma.org receives no compensation at all from medical providers.